The Most Common Freezer Problems And How To Fix Them
Freezers are a wonder appliance. They help you save up on your weekend leftovers when you can’t finish your ice-cream or help you come back to frozen food on days you have no time to cook. Freezers have become indispensable for almost every household and some even have two of them! All said and done, it’s fairly easy to store food in the freezer- wrap and stash in the food, right? Wrong! There are a lot of things you should keep in mind and a lot of mistakes people commit that actually costs them a lot of food, money and repair charges. Let’s find out how you can maintain your freezer and how you can identify problems with it, while also exploring the solutions-
1. Freezing the wrong foods
Consumers are often confused between what should go in the freezer and what shouldn’t. It is of little surprise that many people stash food items in the freezer that aren’t supposed to go in there. For example, yogurts, a few types of cheeses and cream based liquids when put in the freezer get a weird texture as the liquid and fat separates. Freezing greens causes them to lose their freshness. Freezing anything that has high water content may not be ideal as the food item may turn soggy. Raw eggs and canned food are a strict no-no for the freezer.
2. Not organizing the foods properly
Organizing food is important, lest you forget what you have put in the freezer. Also, it’s easy to get confused between similar looking items like salsa and tomato ketchup. Your best bet is to label the foods by putting them in zip lock packets. Also, make sure you put the “Use By” date too as it’s common to forget what you have left in there, as a freezer is generally not accessed as much as a fridge.
3. Not setting the right temperature
Your freezer shouldn’t be warm- for a warmer temperature, you have the fridge! Remember that your freezer should have a temperature of O degrees Fahrenheit for ensuring that the foods can be stored for long term. You can adjust the temperature settings in the freezer or get a fridge thermometer to check the temperature. Also, foodstuff like icecreams should be kept near the door so that they don’t get too hard.
4. Keeping the freezer empty
Your freezer works hard to cool the warm air that comes in. When there is a lot of empty space, there are no food items to block the warm air from coming in, which means your freezer has to exert more pressure. So keeping it full is always a good idea. If you don’t have that much food to store, fill your freezer with newspaper, ziplock bags full of water, etc. Be sure to leave airspace around the food items.
5. Freezing food in a clump
Make it a habit to break down your food into several portions. If you freeze all your food together, chances are you will have a hard time defrosting. For vegetables, you can first put them on a baking sheet and then transfer them into an airtight bag. If you want to freeze liquids and semi-liquids, feel free to use the icetrays. The next time you want to use the liquids, it becomes fairly easy to take out the right amount.
6. Not wrapping food tightly
It’s important to keep all your food air-tight so that it doesn’t get moist. If you use containers, make sure they are filled to the top to prevent freezer burn.
7. Using wrong containers
Always use containers that are freezer-friendly. Do not use flimsy covers- they won’t be able to prevent freezer burn. Use containers that lock the moisture in. You can use plastic wraps, plastic containers and ofcourse, ziplocks. You can also use glass but make sure you don’t subject it to extreme temperatures immediately, lest it may crack.
8. Freezing food too long
Don’t freeze your food for too long. Every food item has a shelf-life. The texture and taste can change and this spoilt food can cause health issues. It’s always a good idea to write the dates by which you should use the food. Keep the oldest food items in the front so that you can finish them first.
9. Defrosting at room temperature
Thawing poultry and meats at room temperature can cause bacteria to grow. Instead, use the fridge or the microwave.
10. Opening freezer during power outage
If you experience a power cut for less than 2 hours, the food in your freezer is safe to eat. Make sure you keep the door of the freezer closed so that the warm air doesn’t seep in. A half-full freezer can keep the food consumable for 24 hours and a full one can hold the food for 48 hours. Once, you want to take out the food from the freezer- check the temperature. Anything above 40 degree Fahrenheit should be tossed out. Some condiments and dry foods can be kept for longer periods.
11. Keeping all the packaging
You don’t need to keep all the packaging intact- especially the bulky ones! You might feel like they don’t take up space but cumulatively they occupy a lot of it. Instead use ziplocks, freezer bins, foils and plastic wraps- they should be sufficient to protect your food.
12. Ignoring frost build-up
Sometimes there’s frost build-up in your freezer and you don’t know what to attribute it to. If it’s around the door, it means the door is not getting closed completely. For that, you should check if any food items are sticking out or if you have set the icetrays properly. The drain tube may be frozen in certain cases.
13. Ice on the floor of the freezer
Look out for this sign. This means one of the components called defrost drain is blocked. The solution is simple- unplug the freezer, defrost and remove food stuck in the evaporator coils.
14. Ice in the ice-maker tastes bad
This tends to happen when you have stored ice in your freezer for too long. This ice absorbs odours from the food items present in your freezer. Another reason could be dirty water. If your freezer has an attached filter, follow the manufacturer’s instructions and replace it regularly.
We are sure that now you know how to take care of your freezer, an appliance that finds its way into our daily routine and saves us a lot of energy, food and money. If you have any doubts or concerns, you can contact our experts at 8001279999 for assistance. To buy the freezer best suited to your needs, among a wide variety of models, you can also visit our premium retail outlets near you.